The Prichard Post

Welcome to the Prichard Post . This blog is primarily about the education in UK schools today. Covering Key stage 3 , Key stage 4 and GCSE Level Science.

Welcome to the Prichard Post . This blog is primarily about the education in UK schools today. Covering Key stage 3 , Key stage 4 and GCSE Level Science.


Home schooling – what is it really like to homeschool in Britain 2024?

Discover the ins and outs of homeschooling in 2024 and find out why it might be best for your child's social skills.   more  

What is the difference between Double award and Triple Science GCSE?

Unsure whether to take double or triple science? Read below for insights form an experienced Science Teacher.   more  

Should schools teach

Should schools teach "Woke" values? This post discusses if schools should teach political correct values, and where did woke come from. The post asks if woke has a place in the sch...  more  

Dance, Drama or History?

Choosing an arts subject in year 9, this post discusses the choosing an arts subject at school. Are the arts important and why should children study the arts. What are the future b...  more  

Is physics the hardest GCSE?

Is physics the most difficult or hardest GCSE to study? Should I study a single GCSE in Physics? Do I have to be good at maths to study Physics? These are all common questions I ge...  more  

Introducing the Prichard Post

Welcome to the Prichard Post. This blog is primarily about education in UK schools today and specifically GCSE science. I am happy to also discuss teaching science in Key stage 3 a...  more  

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